NOMV Advocates Program

NOMV Program Manager, Bri Golob, walked into a wonderful problem when she began her role with NOMV – there were hundreds of volunteer applications. While this was an incredible sign of NOMV’s impact, she quickly realized after scaling up several programs that there were still lots of additional volunteers wanting to help and not enough opportunities to go around. 

Bri went to the drawing board and started to dream up opportunities for new volunteers and thus the NOMV Advocate program was born! Our NOMV Advocates program is an opportunity for everyone: whether you’re a member of the veterinary community, a friend or family member of someone in the veterinary community, a pet owner, or someone passionate about our cause. The NOMV Advocate program is scalable as well with no limit to the number of NOMV Advocates. 

The NOMV Advocates program will strengthen the NOMV volunteer community as new volunteers benefit from firsthand experience creating local events. NOMV Advocates have the choice to develop an event in their local area to raise awareness about NOMV and why it’s such an important organization, fundraise on behalf of NOMV to provide funding for NOMV’s activities and programs including including Support Grants and Education, or to outreach to the local veterinary community and show support through acts of kindness that the local community supports their veterinarians and their amazing support staff! 

the new program is led by three amazing volunteers who agreed to be NOMV Advocate Leads. Our NOMV Advocates will be partnered with a NOMV Advocate Lead based upon the event type they’re interested in hosting. Julie Greenough was the first volunteer to step into the role and created fantastic resources she can’t wait to share with future NOMV Advocates looking to establish outreach events. Liz Hughston quickly stepped into the role of fundraising events lead shortly after. Most recently, Julia Merriam agreed to lead the awareness events to share the story of NOMV with the public. 

This team of NOMV Advocate Leads are eager to begin helping extend the reach of NOMV globally. 

Ready to become a NOMV Advocate? Apply today! 

Selfie of NOMV Advocates Dr. Melanie Goble and Kelly Drescher Johnson

Not One More Vet, Inc is a 501(c)(3) public charity, EIN 82-0651952
NOMV | PO Box 426656 San Francisco CA 94142-6656 | 669.237.0403 |
© 2021, Not One More Vet, Inc. All rights reserved

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NOMV addresses well-being in the veterinary medical community through evidence driven programming that raises awareness on mental health in the community while providing innovative prevention and intervention programming.