Volunteer Pet Spotlight: Jellybean & Hank
Volunteer Pet Spotlight: Caitlin Furlong

Jellybean, NEIGHborhood Watch
Jellybean is a 30 year old Welsh/Arabian Cross pony. Volunteer Caitlin likes to pretend Jellybean is a model and uses him for her clinic’s vaccine postcards! He’s also a big dog that follows her around anywhere she goes. He’s also 30, which in and of itself is impressive!
Hank, PAWject Manager
Hank is a 2 year old pitbull mix. Hank was dumped with his sister at a high kill shelter in North Carolina as a puppy. A local NJ rescue pulled him from the high kill in NC and Caitlin’s family found him shortly after. About 4 months into having him, we found that he LOVED to swim. Once it is warm and the pool is open, he’s rarely dry.
Not One More Vet, Inc is a 501(c)(3) public charity, EIN 82-0651952
NOMV | PO Box 426656 San Francisco CA 94142-6656 | 669.237.0403 | info@nomv.org
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NOMV addresses well-being in the veterinary medical community through evidence driven programming that raises awareness on mental health in the community while providing innovative prevention and intervention programming.